Sunday, November 4, 2012

November 2012

With grim repose some await the next few days. Those that are aware of their surroundings have an opinion. Some that are aware of what they have been indoctrinated with have an opinion as well. Some have none. The final lesson is always the same, get informed, get involved, participate.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

21th Century is here

There will be no change, the cost is absolute. There will be nothing more or less than now. All that is was or will be is held in the now. As long as the lights stay on.
In zen there is the now, the truth the be. Be.

The truth is what an actor knows best. As he they it know, the truth must be above all else.

The 21th century is.

The absolute is tantamount, why would it forgive. The forgiveness does not allow for the time to edit. There will be no edit. There will not be a need for history in the Be.

The 21th century is. We will not have an age pass again, the instant is necessary to allow us to transmit that which is. The bus has left where it could stand and idle. Where it never idled, it will be back again.

The earth will not know what preceded this now. This Be.

The 21th increment is my profit motive. It is my survival kit. It is the only way for me to create an age that can go beyond the deafening Be.

We Be now. The 21th increment.